
Nisan, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Virtual Reality Headset Trial

Virtual Reality(VR) is divided into two types. one of them is connected to a computer screen, you have an avatar. for the other one, you need to google to access. VR motivate young learners, that's why we should integrate them into our classroom environments. There are a lot of options for these goggles from cheap to expensive ones. Even you let your students create one for themselves. But still, if your class is crowded then you can do "istasyon çalışması" with your students. Separate them into groups and chose one to wear goggle. after that, the students will report their experiences to other members of his group. by doing this you also make them dictation work. There is one negative aspect of using goggles in education is people like me who wear glasses. ıt is hard to wear the goggle on to my glasses. If I take it off, then I see blurry. However; again with " istasyon çalışması", we can eliminate alienation.


I have met Kahoot second year at my university. After we learnt there, we played this game and actually I loved it. I was planning to create my own Kahoot when I become a teacher. However; thanks to my Material DEsign class I have a chance to discover before:) How do we use Kahoot? It is super easy to create your own Kahoot . Click the "create" and add your first question. Don't forget to mark the correct answer of yours. After you finish your Kahoot, I recommend you to play by yourself to see the lacking part. You can rearrange the time if it is needed. We used to do Kahoot last ten minutes to remember what we had learnt. It was beneficial and energetic closure for lessons. If you want to fresh your English Literature knowledge, come and see my Kahoot :) https://create.kahoot.it/share/english-literature/4dfd00f2-f166-421f-b1c2-c71e5536ff2a


Flipgrid  is a tool for hand in your homework. This lets your students express themselves in a  creative way. They load their answers as a form of video. This means they can delete if they don't like their answers or they can edit their answers. this creates astress-free environment. here is my flipgrid if you want to check: https://flipgrid.com/1o


Here I am again with the new tool that I highly recommend to English teachers. This is called Voki . With Voki you can create a stress-free environment for your students while they are practising their speaking skills. You choose your avatar. This could be animal, human or even creature. then you can want your students to record their voice. This way they feel more comfortable because this is a kind of role play. Today's world technology is everywhere. Learners want to engage in technology. Voki will help you to catch your learners' attention.  Here is my Voki :   http://tinyurl.com/y5zrjua4

Create Your Story with Storybird

 Let's talk about a little Storybird. This is a website that you can create your own stories. It gives you thousands of picture options to create stories and THIS IS AMAZING !! Click Storybird . Sign in and click the writing section. Then start to write your own stories. How can we use this tool for education? Firstly as a teacher, you can create your own story and teach what you want. These stories might be appropriate for beginners. For instance "Turn to Black" is my first story trial. I can teach what is the narrative voice. ın addition, I can teach the grammar structure " how ... they are". In terms of vocabulary, you can teach colours and revise animals etc,. Secondly, for the upper levels, you want your students to create their own stories. They will have pictures and this will ease their creation. While I was creating my story, actually I had enthusiasm. The process was so joyful and I also learnt new vocabularies as well. I strongly recomm

Second Life Experience and Education

Hey, this is my avatar from second life! I came across this virtual reality production thanks to my teacher Tuncer Can. While I was discovering new places, I saw that my avatar was not only running but also flying. This makes more fun to discover new places. In addition to this, you can also go upward. there is life in the vertical dimension. This gives you a real-life feeling. How can we use the second life in an educational context?  We can create simulational classrooms. students can attend classes from wherever they want. This makes our lessons more accessible. students participate in lessons with their avatars. this also lowers their stress and anxiety and create a stress-free environment which is crucial for English lessons.

Hp Reveal

Hello everyone, this time I want to share my experience with HP reveal with you. I have introduced this app thanks to material design class. Hp reveal allows you to add animation via app onto the real pictures. this is really beneficial for teaching new vocabularies and also make it fun. To start with, you need to have access to this app. After that, you should find a picture of the word. for example ladybird. the first scan the picture then add the animation which is related to the picture. after all, when you scan the same picture of the ladybird, you can see the animation. here are the few of what I did: https://youtu.be/E1RZAe9p5J8 https://youtu.be/6pHsKnyaMhQ


    D o you want to teach your students how to express their liking and also revise their vocabulary knowledge about fruits? This video just for you. (It is designed for A1 level of students.) I create it with  Powtoon . It is easy to do but needs time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoLOmsoNqhk

New way for activities!

Hey, it's Gül and I am here for announcing the new way to create an online activity. The internet site is called SEESAW . Here is the link  https://web.seesaw.me/ Here is my first ever activity: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=AYMeQF7SRZuJUD8xGVjR2w&prompt_id=prompt.ad51cbd6-8a43-414a-8020-22f6b7ad660f  

my first try on Padlet

my new podcast is available right now!

  Hello Heloo Here is the new episode of languageport podcast. Is using mother tongue taboo?  Can we use mother tongue while we are learning English? you can find the answer in this podcast :)   https://www.spreaker.com/episode/17511962