Virtual Reality Headset Trial

Virtual Reality(VR) is divided into two types. one of them is connected to a computer screen, you have an avatar. for the other one, you need to google to access.

VR motivate young learners, that's why we should integrate them into our classroom environments.

There are a lot of options for these goggles from cheap to expensive ones. Even you let your students create one for themselves. But still, if your class is crowded then you can do "istasyon çalışması" with your students. Separate them into groups and chose one to wear goggle. after that, the students will report their experiences to other members of his group.
by doing this you also make them dictation work.

There is one negative aspect of using goggles in education is people like me who wear glasses. ıt is hard to wear the goggle on to my glasses. If I take it off, then I see blurry. However; again with " istasyon çalışması", we can eliminate alienation.


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